Activity 2: Media and Technique Project (A Variation) Purpose: To acquaint you with the character and varying possibilities of using some basic art materials. Materials: Drawing materials: pencil, ink, crayon, and construction paper Painting materials: tempera, diluted ink, mat or Exacto knife Combinations of these materials, plus cut and torn paper, will be used Method: Divide an 18” x 24” sheet of white drawing paper into four vertical rows and five horizontal rows of rectangular shapes (Figs. 1.2A and 1.2B) From Activity 1, “Draw a large leaf-like shape so it divides all the outside rectangles. Draw a main vein and smaller subsidiary veins so that all rectangles are divided into small irregular shapes.Try to retain the outside leaf shape while filling in all the smaller inside shapes according to the directions on the diagram. Your instructor will be a good resource for additional ideas of how to experiment with the character and techniques of each medium and their various combinations. At this point the discovery of how the materials feel as you work and how they interact is more important than the aesthetic outcome of the experiment.” (Figs. 1.2A and 1.2B) Outside the chart on the left side are drawing materials for each cell on that horizontal row. The instructions for what to draw with that instrument are across the top and should be for each cell in that column. For subject matter, you could repeat items suggested in Activity 1 or try some other variations for the drawing inside. It could be an abstract organization of “doodled” shapes or other shapes from natural objects, for example, fingers of a hand, set up your own still life, and so on.